132 research outputs found

    Periodontal awareness, related knowledge, and analysis of clinical counselor in Galicia

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    La enfermedad periodontal o periodontitis es una patología inflamatoria crónica de etiología bacteriana que puede causar la pérdida de las piezas dentarias si no es diagnosticada a tiempo. El principal inconveniente en su diagnóstico precoz es la dificultad para detectar signos y síntomas por parte del paciente, ya que los iniciales son comunes a gran parte de la población (sangrado de encías, eritema, halitosis..etc). Por todo ello, es importante conocer el nivel de conocimiento en nuestro entorno, tanto de la población como de los principales transmisores de información en salud (médicos/as y enfermeros/as), con el fin de determinar medidas educativas en cuanto a la prevención, diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento de la periodontiti

    I feel, then I Think: stimulus-cogitation in Fernando Pessoa, ortonym

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    A elaboração deste trabalho visa o esclarecimento de uma situação na poesia de Fernando Pessoa na qual um estímulo conduz a uma reflexão. Para a explicar definiram-se, primariamente, estímulo e reflexão, aplicando estes conceitos, posteriormente, à poesia pessoana. Com o apoio de obras de vários teóricos pessoanos e análise de alguns poemas da obra de Pessoa, ortónimo, verificou-se, então, que este processo é recorrente na sua poesia, servindo mais regularmente de propulsores para a reflexão os estímulos visuais e auditivos. Além disso, pode-se também afirmar que o objetivo deste processo visava a transformação da sensação em arte.The preparation of this report aims at clarifying a situation found on Fernando Pessoa’s poetry where a stimulus leads to a reflection. To explain that, it was primarily defined both stimulus and reflection, concepts that were later applied to Pessoa’s poetry. We resorted to several works of Pessoa experts and analyses of several poems among the lyrical work by Fernando Pessoa, ortonym. It was verified that this process is repeated throughout his work, serving more regularly as reflection booster of visual and auditory stimuli. Moreover, it can also be affirmed that the goal of this process is the transformation of sensation in art

    Una interacción entre el fenómeno "outsiderness" y el reconocimiento político de la edad. Impacto en el voto a los partidos radicales y en la participación electoral

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    Treballs finals del Màster en Análisi Política i Assessoria Institucional, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2018-2019. Tutor: Muñoz Mendoza, Jord


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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Oral health scales: design of an oral health scale of infectious potential

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    Objectives: In this paper we propose a new Global Oral Health Scale that will allow the infectious potential of the oral cavity, clinically manifest as local and focal infections, to be condensed into a single parameter. Study Design: Based on a number of oral health scales previously designed by our group, we designed a final version that incorporates dental and periodontal variables (some of them evaluated using corroborated objective indices) that reflect the presence of caries and periodontal disease. Results: The application of the proposed oral health scale requires the examination of 6 sites per tooth (mesio- buccal, medio-buccal, disto-buccal, disto-lingual, medio-lingual and mesio-lingual). The following variables are analysed: number of tooth surfaces with supragingival plaque, determined using the O'Leary index; number of teeth with caries and the severity of the caries; number of tooth surfaces with gingival inflammation, determined using the Ainamo and Bay index; and number of tooth surfaces with pockets >=4 mm and severity of the pockets. These variables are then grouped into 2 categories, dental and periodontal. The final grades of dental and peri - odontal health correspond to the grades assigned to a least 2 of the 3 variables analysed in each of these categories. The category (dental or periodontal) with the highest grade is the one that determines the grade of the Global Oral Health Scale. Conclusion: This scale could be particularly useful for the epidemiological studies comparing different populations and for analysis of the influence of distinct degrees of oral health on the development of certain systemic diseases

    Among Baltasar and Blimunda’s texts

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    Este artigo aborda o fenómeno da intertextualidade em Memorial do Convento, de José Saramago. Depois da explicitação do conceito e de uma síntese da sua evolução, segue-se uma breve contextualização da obra, com referência à sua dimensão crítica e às quatro linhas de ação que nela se desenvolvem. Posteriormente, procede-se à análise do conceito “Intertextualidade” que permitirá afirmar que as diversas definições convergem para a ideia de que todo o texto é a representação de textos anteriores e que é ponto de partida para a abordagem da obra Memorial do Convento à luz deste conceito. Esta leitura intertextual permitiu concluir que, entre as inúmeras relações que a obra estabelece com outros textos, se destacam Camões, António Vieira, Fernando Pessoa e textos de produção oral/tradicional. Assim, poderá dizer-se que Memorial do Convento se apresenta como um incontornável exemplo no que toca à análise do fenómeno intertextual.This article discusses the phenomenon of Intertextuality in Baltasar and Blimunda by José Saramago. After the explanation of the concept and a summary of its evolution, the following is a brief background of the work, with reference to its critical dimension and the four lines of action that it develops. Subsequently, the analysis of the concept of “Intertextuality” will make it possible to conclude that all definitions on it converge to the idea that every text is a representation of previous texts and that it is a starting point for the approach of Baltasar and Blimunda in light of this concept. This intertextual reading allowed us to conclude that among the many relations that the work establishes with other texts, namely those by Camões, António Vieira, Fernando Pessoa and those orally/traditionally created. Thus, it may be concluded that Baltasar and Blimunda presents itself as a compelling example regarding the analysis of intertextual phenomenon

    Orthodontic Treatment in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Cerebral palsy is a permanent neuromuscular motor disorder that gives rise to many functional problems, including impaired swallowing, chewing and speech. Maxillary transverse deficiency and Angle Class II malocclusion are common. Some of these functional problems can be due to maxillary malocclusion. To our knowledge, no case series has yet been published on orthodontic treatment in children with cerebral palsy. In this chapter, we provide an overview of this topic based on the literature and on our own clinical experience. We consider that some patients with cerebral palsy are susceptible to orthodontic treatment. The keys to success are appropriate patient selection, based on anatomical, physiological and behavioural characteristics, and the degree of involvement of parents and caregivers. Among parents of cerebral palsy children undergoing orthodontic therapy, the perceived level of overall satisfaction was very high and expectations were often exceeded; however, these results are conditioned by factors such as the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index. Although some authors reported improvements in aesthetics, speech and oral function, an objective assessment of functional improvement is still lacking. In our experience, correction of resting position and management of neuromuscular alterations are essential if successful orthodontic treatment is to be achieved and relapses avoided

    Evaluation of an oral health scale of infectious potential using a telematic survey of visual diagnosis

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    Objective: To compare the results of a subjective estimation of oral health through review of a set of intraoral photographs with those of an objective oral health scale of infectious potential. Method : The pool of patients was made up of 100 adults. Using an infectious-potential scale based on dental and periodontal variables, we assigned 1 of the 4 grades of the scale (range, 0 to 3; 0 corresponds to an excellent oral health status and 3 to the poorest oral health status) to each subject. A total of 20 representative subjects were selected from the pool of patients, 5 subjects for each one of the grades of the scale, and a standardized photographic record was made. One thousand dentists practicing in Spain were sent the survey by e-mail and 174 completed forms were received. We then calculated the concordance of the oral health status indicated by the respondents after visualising the photographs on comparison with the results of the oral health scale of infectious potential; concordance was termed correct grade allocation (CGA). Results : The majority of respondents (69.1%) achieved a CGA in 8 to 12 cases and none achieved more than 15 CGAs. The poorest CGA rates were found with grades 1 and 2, with a mean of 1.74 ± 1.09 and 1.87 ± 1.18, respectively, out of a maximum of 5. The concordance in terms of CGA was high for grade 0 (70.5%), very low for grade 1 (10.8%), low for grade 2 (37.3%), and moderate for grade 3 (42.6%). Conclusion : In comparison with visual examination of the oral cavity, the use of objective scale that establishes a reliable diagnosis of oral health in terms of infectious potential was found to be advantageous

    Control of drooling using transdermal scopolamine skin patches : a case report

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    Transdermal scopolamine has been shown to be very useful in the management of drooling, particularly in patients with neurological or neuropsychiatric disturbances or severe developmental disorders. In this paper, we present the case of a 24-year-old patient with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and a severe problem of drooling, exacerbated by marked mandibular prognathism. After exclusion of other therapeutic alternatives, it was decided to use sustainedrelease transdermal scopolamine patches (Scopoderm TTS). This technique consists of the application every three days of a patch with 1.5 mg of scopolamine in the area of the mastoid apophysis; the patch releases a dose of 0.5 mg of the active substance over each 24 hour period. The patient underwent periodic clinical and laboratory follow-up over a period of three years, achieving satisfactory results with no significant undesirable effects

    Pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana, recomendadas por los odontólogos en España

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    El propósito del presente estudio fue conocer las pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana (EB) recomendadas por los odontólogos en España. Se preguntó a través de una llamada telefónica, cuál era el régimen profiláctico que se debía administrar a un paciente de riesgo de EB antes de someterse a una exodoncia. La información se obtuvo de 400 odontólogos seleccionados aleatoriamente y distribuidos por todo el territorio español. A 200 se les preguntó sobre la pauta recomendada en pacientes no alérgicos a la penicilina y, a los 200 restantes, sobre la aplicada en los alérgicos a la penicilina.Del total de encuestados, 182 (45,5%) no sugirieron ningún régimen profiláctico, de éstos el 74,7% señalaron la necesidad de una cita para una exploración previa y el 25,3% refirieron al paciente a su médico general o cardiólogo. De los 97 odontólogos que recomendaron antibióticos para pacientes no alérgicos a la penicilina, solamente 30 (30,9%) contestaron correctamente algún régimen profiláctico de los publicados por la Asociación Americana de Cardiología o la Sociedad Británica de Quimioterapia Antimicrobiana. Para pacientes alérgicos a la penicilina, el 68,2% de los odontólogos recomendaron eritromicina como antibiótico de elección, y el 17,6% clindamicina. Sin embargo, menos del 30% prescribieron estos antibióticos en las posologías correctas. Estos resultados demuestran una importante carencia de conocimientos entre los odontólogos españoles sobre las pautas de profilaxis de EB para pacientes de riesgo que van a someterse a una manipulación dental.The aim of this study was to assess the current practice of antibiotic prophylaxis of Bacterial Endocarditis (BE) among General Dental Practitioners (GDPs) in Spain. GDPs were asked over the telephone by a fictitious patient what antibiotic prophylaxis they would administer to an 'at risk' patient for BE before a tooth extraction. Four hundred randomly selected Spanish GDPs were surveyed, 200 of them were asked about BE prophylaxis in penicillin non-allergic patients and the remaining 200 in penicillin allergic patients. Of the GDPs surveyed, 182 (45.5%) did not recommend any prophylactic treatment; 74.7% of those stated that an oral examination before treatment was needed and 25.3% referred the patient to his/her physician or cardiologist for further advice. Of the 97 GDPs who recommended antibiotics to penicillin nonallergic patients, only 30 (30.9%) suggested the prophylactic guidelines proposed by the American Heart Association or the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. For penicillin allergic patients, 68.2% of the GDPs prescribed erythromycin as the antibiotic of first choice, while 17.6% of the GDPs prescribed clindamycin. Nonetheless, fewer than 30% administered both antibiotics with the adequate dosages. These results show important gaps in the knowledge of antibiotic prophylaxis for 'at risk' patients before dental procedures among Spanish GDPs